404workshop: Restrictions

Workshop with Ingrida Picukane and Anna Vaivare

31.07- 02.8 raum404, Nicolaistraße 36,28195 Bremen
Saturday 31.07: 9:00 -14:00
Sunday 01.08.: 10:00 – 15:00
Monday 02.08: 15:00-19:00

As part of the Comicexhibtion Kus Comics aus Riga zu Gast in Bremen Kulturnetz e.V hosts a comicworkshop with Ingrida Picukane and Anna Vaivare.

Are there good and bad restrictions? Can we choose restrictions? Can we invent restrictions? Only in this workshop! In times when we are overwhelmed by restrictions this workshop invites you to immerse in them completely and apply restrictions also to drawing comics using them as a compositional technique that helps to draw and think differently. Comic artists Ingrida Picukane and Anna Vaivare from Latvia will share their experience and guide you from a blank page to a finished story with the help of various ways of limiting yourself. In this workshop each participant will create a 12 page zine.

The workshop will be held in English!

Ingrida Picukane

Ingrida Picukane received her MFA from the Department of Visual Communication of the Latvian Academy of Art. She has also studied animation at the Academy of Art in Tallinn. She has been a participant of art projects since 1998, and has also proved herself in graphic design. Her comics have been frequently published in the Latvian magazine Kus!.

Anna Vaivare:

Based in Riga Anna Vaivare is originally an architect and if she does not contemplate on architectural projects she draws comics.

The workshop is limited to 10 participants. There is no admission fee, nevertheles the participants are required to purchase the workshop-comic. This dokumentation will have the form a small comic-book with the results of the workshop

Donations are of coures also very welcome.

Further infos: http://kulturbuero-bremen.de/

Applications zinefest@kulturbuero-bremen.de

Sponsors: Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Waldemar Koch Stiftung, Botschaft der Republik Lettland in Berlin, Lutz Peper/ Honorarkunsulat der Republik Lettland in Bremen, Fraktionsverein der Partei die Linke im Bundestag, Ortsamt Mitte / Östliche Vorstadt